What is a good basic skincare routine?

What is a good basic skincare routine?

Among the various uncertainties in the world, if there’s one certain thing, it’s this “taking time to take care of yourself”, and it’s not considered a luxury or waste of time. Taking care of yourself is necessary, and it feels overwhelming to take care of yourself. 

Over the past few years, the skincare market has flooded with numberless skincare products. As a newbie, it can be confusing to choose from various products because everyone has different skin and skin issues, concerns, and goals. 

So if you have no idea what is a good basic skincare routine (no judgement here) or want to brush up on your basics, here’s the beginner’s guide to a basic skincare routine and the most commonly asked questions. 

What is a good basic skincare routine?: (Step By Step Guide)

Here are some step by step guides for what is a good basic skin care routine.

Step 1: Cleanse

A good quality cleanser is the first step to a good basic skincare routine. Cleansing your skin twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, is ideal. 

Cleansing your face in the morning will help to remove all the sweat and dirt from your pillow or hair during your night’s sleep. But if you have dry skin, you can clean your face with simple water in the morning. 

Cleansing your skin in the evening should never be compromised. Because at the end of the day, it’s necessary to remove the makeup or sunscreen you applied in the morning along with the dead skin cells, excessive oil, pollutants, and other debris that has gotten on your face all day.

When choosing a facial cleanser, experts say that beginners should go for a gentle and hydrating cleanser with no fragrance. Ayeze Collection is a Pakistan-based website with a variety of facial cleansers available. 

Their night repairing face wash and oil control face wash are two effective formulas for beginners who want to level up their basic skincare routine.

Step 2: Moisturize 

Next, moisturize your face using a moisturizer or a moisturizing product. An oil-free, fragrance-free moisturizer for all skin types is good to incorporate into your skincare routine. If you select a moisturizer for your skin, below are the three ingredients you must look for.

Ceramides: Mainly for those with dry skin. Help build the skin-barrier strength and the overall health of your skin.

Vitamin C: is important for skin brightening and provides antioxidant skin protection. 

Hyaluronic Acid: helps skin regain its lost hydration and plumps skin.

If you have oily or acne-prone skin, you can never compromise on using a good moisturizer because overwashing your face without using a moisturizer can produce accessive oil on your skin.

Ayeze collection’s Moisturizing lotion will be a good choice to start with.

Step 3: Protect

Sunscreen is a must to provide your skin with enough protection against the sun’s harmful rays. If you want to do nothing on your skin, at least apply sunscreen because it’s necessary. 

Go for a sunscreen that’s SPF 30 or higher. Apply sunscreen daily, even if it’s cloudy or raining outside. When choosing a sunscreen for yourself, there are two routes: chemical or mineral-based sunscreen. In some cases, they both are combined into one formula. 

Mineral sunscreens are formulated using zinc oxide and titanium dioxide that work as a shield, blocking the rays from penetrating the skin. Chemical sunscreens, on the other hand, are formulated with octocrylene and avobenzone which protect the skin against UV rays by absorbing them. 

You can add extra steps:

Once you have built up an understanding of what is a good basic skincare routine, you can add extra steps if you want to. These additional steps can be serums and face masks. 

Face serums are highly effective, lightweight, and formulated using active ingredients such as vitamin C and hyaluronic acid that target skin concerns more efficiently. Serums must be applied under your moisturizer or sunscreen. A basic rule of applying skincare products to your face is to apply the less dense products and then put on the thicker ones, such as lotions.

After cleansing your face with your favourite face wash, use a toner and apply serum according to your skin type. You can apply the moisturizer or sunscreen afterwards. Serums have active ingredients that work well in direct contact with the skin.

If you have no idea where you’ll find good quality serums for your face, we recommend you visit the website of the Ayeze collection. Because they have a variety of face serums for all skin types. They have everything you might need, from night repairing serum to skin brightening serum.

Talking about face masks, you should not use face masks twice a week. Use them periodically and make sure that you’re using the face mask according to the skin concern you’re facing that day.


Some Important Tips:

Less is more:

The most important information to remember when you’re grinding on products is this: Less is more. Stick to the products you’re using, don’t rush for more active ingredients. Keep using products that are fragrance-free and have fewer ingredients because they’ll surely work slow, but they won’t do any harm to your skin.

Be Patient:

If a new skincare product doesn’t seem to be working, just know that patience is a must when it comes to skincare. If a product is showing immediate results, be aware. Don’t do experiments on your skin. Give your skin a chance to get used to the active ingredients used in the product for at least two months before switching. But if your skin gets irritated or provokes any allergic reaction, stop using the product immediately.

Be consistent: 

“Be consistent”, which is the same as being patient. As with many other things in life, skin care products demand you be consistent. Repeating the same skincare steps daily is the key to having desired results. 

Bottom Line: 

Trust your skin and the skincare process. Keep following the plan that you have set out for yourself. After reading the article, you can easily get the whole picture of a basic skincare routine. So, don’t wait up and treat yourself with a little more love every day.


What are the basics of a skincare routine?

A basic skincare routine consists of three basic steps, which are:

  • Cleansing:wash your face with a good quality face wash.
  • Moisturising:Moisturise your face using a good moisturizing product.
  • Protect:Protect your skin by applying a good quality skin screen.

What is the most important skincare product?

Following products are the most important for a good skincare routine.

• Cleanser.
• Moisturizer.
• Sunscreen.
• Serums.

If you don’t want to apply all this, put on sunscreen while going out because that’s something that can never be compromised. 

Why do we need a skincare routine?

A good skincare routine is important to keep your skin in good and healthy condition. An effective skincare routine helps prevent acne, scars, premature ageing, and wrinkles. Additionally, taking care of yourself feels overwhelming, right?

What happens if you don’t take care of your skin?

If you don’t take care of your skin, your skin will become dull and dry. It’ll feel irritating and can cause several skin problems like acne and skin cancer if you don’t apply sunscreen while going out.

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